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UIA 2017 Seoul - Digital Design & Fabrication

Kyu Hwan Lee

현재 코엑스에서 주최되고 있는 세계건축사대회, UIA 2017 Seoul에서의 활동내용입니다.

MXM의 이규환 소장이 작년 UIA 준비 2위원회 학술위원으로 위촉되어

Digital Desgin & Fabrication 세션을 제안하고 Session Organizer역할을 했습니다.

발표를 할 해외 건축가들과 국내 건축가 들을 섭외하고 세션의 틀을 짜며

첫째 발표자 또한 맡았는데요,

발표 내용에서는 MXM의 Digital Design Process와 Fabrication 사례,

그리고, 2015년 건축가협회 주최 젊은건축가 해외문화교류에 선정되어

해외 선진 대학 및 건축가들과 해당 분야에 대해 교류하고 온

결과물들을 발표하고 공유할 기회로 활용했습니다.

1. “New Art & Craft Movement - Robotics in Architecture” (by Kyu Hwan LEE / MXM Architects)

2. “Parametric Design” (by Woojae SUNG / Grimshaw Architect, NY)

3. “Digital Optimization / Fabrication of High-Rise Buildings” (by Heechan SHIN / ARUP)

4. “Autonomous Construction” (by Mathew SCHWARTZ / NJIT)

5. “Digital Craft_material & machining-based design and fabrication process” (by Donghan SHIN / BAT)

1. “New Art & Craft Movement - Robotics in Architecture” (by Kyu Hwan LEE / MXM Architects) He will talk about how digital design process & fabrication can change architectural practices in near future. The presentation material will include his research trip's report published in 2016, titled "New Art & Craft Movement - Robotics in Architecture", that has been funded by Korean Institute of Architects as a part of Young Architectural Fellowship program in 2015. He will share his experiences with his digital fabrication tools such as industrial robot arm, multi-axis CNC machines and 3D printer and will talk about a new craftsmanship and an architect's new role in future.

2. “Parametric Design” (by Woojae SUNG / Grimshaw Architect, NY)I would like to bring up the idea of bottom up design process in a context of parametric design. This molecular approach, as opposed to more traditional, top down design process, changed the way how we design certain things. The traditional design process where we set up holistic framework and gradually run down to specific parts still maintains good hold on most of design processes, but the new approach enables us to do something entirely new by doing things exactly in an opposite way.

3. “Digital Optimization / Fabrication of High-Rise Buildings” (by Heechan SHIN / ARUP) The simultaneous maturation of two aspects of digital design is having a profound effect on a designer’s ability to better investigate the “optimal design” for a given project. First, we are seeing increasing user-friendliness of environmental, structural simulation, and analysis programs. Second, we are seeing the adoption of parametric modeling enable more precise processing to fabrication and construction while preserving Value Engineering (VE) in High-rise buildings.

4. “Autonomous Construction” (by Mathew SCHWARTZ / NJIT) Robotic fabrication has had a tremendous impact on the architectural practice in recent years. In particular, the use of pre-fab has enabled low cost customization within the construction process. This has been possible through advances in robotics which have increased stability and access to customized fabrication processes. As robotics research furthers, new possibilities in fabrication come with it. From pre-fab to on-site, this talk discusses how architects and researchers can push the envelope into the future of robotic fabrication from industrial arms to autonomous and mobile robotics.

5. “Digital Craft_material & machining-based design and fabrication process” (by Donghan SHIN / BAT) Industrial robotic arms are versatile. The functions of a robot vary with the types of tools mounted on the end-effector, or robotic hand. A wide variety of tools ranging from hot wire to 3D printer nozzle are mounted on it, and research on their application is being conducted together. This will have great effects on the change of design and fabrication processes in the areas of architecture, arts, and design. This presentation will cover the operation of industrial robots by using a parametric tool called Grasshopper and the introduction and utilization of it in the construction and design fields. Moreover, we will discuss the changes in the attitude of designers toward materials and shapes and the changes in design and fabrication process, which arose as we start to use robots more extensively.

조회수 127회댓글 0개

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